Youth Programs


The Fall River Housing Authority provides youth with several programs ranging from educational, employment, and recreational. These programs and services are developed to enhance the skills of our youth and provide lifelong advancement.
Head Start – The Fall River Housing Authority promotes Head Start, federally funded free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 – 5 years of age from income-eligible families
Fall River Boys & Girls Club – Fall River Housing Authority partners the Fall River Boys & Girls Club to provide programming for all youth and young adults in the City of Fall River year around.
Y.M.C.A – Fall River Housing Authority partners with the Fall River Y.M.C.A to provide youth and residents and an extensive list of programming and basic needs year around.
Greater Fall River Recreation – Fall River Housing Authority partners with the Greater Fall River Recreation to provide youth and residents and an extensive list of programming.
Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) – Fall River Housing Authority partners with various agencies (FRPD, Greater F.R. Recreation and the Mayor’s Office). The purpose of the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) is to help cities with documented high levels of youth violence reduce this violence at the community level. The SSYI focuses on intervention (suppression activities such as arrests and patrols are not allowed) with a goal of supporting a full continuum of mandated services to the target population and their families.
Shannon CSI Grant Program (CSI) – Fall River Housing Authority partners with various agencies (FRPD, Greater F.R. Recreation and the Mayor’s Office) to assist youth and residents a state grant program that offers communities with a demonstrated gang and youth violence problem resources to implement a multi-disciplinary anti-gang strategy encompassing prevention, intervention, and suppression programs utilizing law enforcement, community-based organizations, and government agencies.
Mass Hire / Youth Connections – Youth Connnections provides summer and year-round subsidized private, public and non-profit jobs to at-risk youth between 14 and 21 years old in the City of Fall River.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm
*Closed All Major Holidays